$25.00 CAD

Becoming a Gardener - Reciprocity in Flow

  • Saturday, July 27th 
  • 10 am - 12 pm
  • 4596 Carp Rd. Carp

Many plants including vegetables, herbs, perennials, fruiting shrubs and trees have evolved through the centuries by careful selection and tending by humans. These cultivated plants need our support to thrive in the garden and some would die without our assistance. The process of becoming a gardener is an active role of nurturing a relationship with the plants that you either inherit or choose to grow. Maintenance is your commitment to that relationship and in the spirit of reciprocity the garden will reward you in many wonderful ways. In this workshop, you will learn the basics of plant care such as soils, watering, transplanting, pruning and common pests and diseases.

About Penny Reed

I am called and guided by Spirit to create. I am a multi-medium artist, who weaves the healing powers and beauty of plants and crystals into sacred art. I also love to forage and harvest plants and conjure a variety of herbal remedies. I am a trained horticulturalist, kundalini yoga instructor, sound healer and social service worker.

When I'm not in the art studio, kitchen or garden, I enjoy taking long walks in the woods, learning the ancient Celtic ways and making music with my partner.
