"Betwixt and between the Ninth Wave Roars

Bringing voices from the past and whispers from the future


Inviting us to stand present and meet ourselves again."


The Ninth Wave is upon us.

It's time to remember and awaken collective responsibility for our ongoing story.

Bare feet at shore, Ninth Wave Arts

Why 'Ninth Wave'?

In wisdom traditions, the Ninth Wave is often referred to as that liminal space that separates the ordinary from the non-ordinary worlds; that powerful place of the in-between where all potential exists.

We like to think of it as the place that allows us to experience extraordinary possibilities within ordinary moments.

The place where folk wisdom resides and folk art thrives, the place we can meet ourselves again and remember.

Our Calling

We believe in community and the strength of diversity.

We trust spirit, the inherent wisdom of nature and the cycles of the seasons.

We celebrate the cycles of birthing, living and dying.

We honour the joy of creativity and self-expression.

Ninth Wave Arts Board Members

Kristine Karpinski (Kris) Executive Director Ninth Wave Arts

Kristine Karpinski (Kris) - Executive Director

I find myself looking down at my hands as I bake or craft or stir and notice the hands of my mother and grandmother reflecting back. My grey hair reminds me that time is passing and with it the luxury of waiting. When I say the words folk arts and folk wisdom, the part of my soul that yearns takes a big breath and sighs in satisfaction. Iā€™ve got things to do and trees to talk too. My days consist of working as a healing practitioner, teacher, mentor, creative, and my nights consist of dancing with the moon and singing with the stars. Star Trek offers my prime directive, and cats are my kin. My loud laugh gets me moved in restaurants, and my heart longs for the green mountains. My calling is in service to others and the greater story.

Stephanie MacGregor (Steph) Member at Large Ninth Wave Arts

Stephanie MacGregor (Steph) -Ā Chair

I grew up in the country and feel that I was connected more closely to the earth there. Being surrounded by green and living on a farm, climbing trees and running through the forest is a feeling that I haven't gained anywhere else in all my travels. Iā€™ve been called to wander the world and steep in experiences of diverse culture, food and landscape. Give me a warm ocean and a blue sky and my soul soars. A serious calling to help people has inspired my working life, and Iā€™ve gathered extensive communications experience with senior roles in both the private and non-profit sectors, helping organizations articulate their vision and connect with their audiences. I dream of living in the country again with good community and earnest folk, and something about the simplicity of that keeps me curious about folk arts and folk wisdom

Evelina Proeva Vice Chair Ninth Wave Arts

Evelina Proeva - Vice Chair

Bulgaria is my birthplace and where my heart lives in blood, breath and bone; the place of good cheese, yogurt, wine and roses. Mountains are my source of solace and old languages my inspiration. My studies of herbs, stones, oils and mysteries keep me in conversation with nature. My memories of wildcrafting, hiking and making preserves at the side of my maternal Grandmother Sofia keep me true to the old traditions. Cuddling with kitties and tending to my flowers fill my days. Whispers of my work in Nutrition, Comparative Linguistics and Clinical Herbals inform my love of folk remedies and folk stories.

Chandan Singh-Beaty Treasurer Ninth Wave Arts

Chandan Singh-Beatty - Treasurer

I love to read, write, cook, travel, be out in nature, gaze up at the stars in the night sky, and spend time with my family and friends. I have fond memories of making samosas and pakoras with my mother and sister during the holidays and for special events. I continue this tradition with my daughter to remind and connect us with my mother and her teachings. What inspires me about NWA is its mission to encourage creativity, wellness, and connection to all that is around us and within us. I appreciate the educational teachings, such as the workshops and the yearly programs that are offered to help enrich and enliven our way of being. Iā€™m presently pursuing a Master of Arts in Counselling Psychology, and in my own business Beyond Grief Coaching, I find the wild and crazy terrain of life transitions help us come out stronger and thriving. Anything that helps us feel the seed of potential through the interconnectedness of all is truly humbling and magical.

Kim Speiser Secretary Ninth Wave Arts

Kim Speiser - Secretary

Iā€™m a seeker inspired by everything mystical and magical; the moon connects directly to my soul. I get lost in the beauty of cloud formations and awed by the expanse of star filled night skies. Iā€™ve been on a search for wisdom traditions that fill in the gaps of things I wonder about, always aiming to spot those experiences that invite reconnection to authenticity. Kindness is my motto and supportive community my folk. As a Stellium Virgo Iā€™m here to be of service in an orderly fashion to both the ordinary and non-ordinary, thus the draw to Ninth Wave Arts. Tending to gardens, walking in nature and reading all fill my well and give me purpose and peace.

Jessica Hibberd Member at Large Ninth Wave Arts

Jessica Hibberd (Jess) - Member at Large

Iā€™m an artist in my heart and have been creating art ever since I can remember. Although my practical job at present is with the Government of Canada, creativity is what calls to me, whether pottery, music, cooking or paddling down the Mississippi River in Almonte. The oceans, lakes and rivers speak to my soul, and the stars sing in the tone of the day for me. My latest pottery projects have be inspired by the whales and peacefulness of the sea. Iā€™ve felt the pull to visit ancient sites and lands around the world and hope to travel to many more. I grew up with the music of my family having jam sessions in the living room, which encouraged my interest in multiple musical instruments. I feel a longing to bring back the old way of living, being, and creating together in community.

Breanna Martel (Bre) - Member at Large

Meaghan Guthrie - Member at Large

Iā€™m an avid gardener and love to paint and craft in my spare time, which is not very frequent given that I own a busy retail store filled with magical things. I love to go on spontaneous adventures finding new trails or places because nature truly inspires me. NWA bridges a gap, which also inspires me, by encouraging us to remember who we are and having a space for the community to wonder about this together. Iā€™m a supportive sports mom and a regular human who believes in magic. I remember crafting with my grandmother, and those memories have kept me interested in all things folk arts. I still hold those memories close and do and learn all the creative things I can to keep connected to that energy. I make 'intention' candles as part of my business and love to watch peopleā€™s spirits light up when they find the perfect candle for themselves. The world is a magical place.

Cheryl Mulvihill Member at Large Ninth Wave Arts

Melanie PaquetteĀ - Member at Large

I like to make things and experiment with different types of divination. Iā€™m inspired by moments of every-day magic, like seeing a beautiful spider web, or having a friend randomly contact me just as I was thinking about them, or singing a song and then hearing it on the radio a few minutes later. It reminds me that everything is connected. My grandfather was an amazing storyteller, and it seems to run in the family. I have great memories of sitting in my grandparents' living room (which looked different every time we went because my grandfather would decide to move the staircase or put up a new wall) listening to my grandpa telling the same stories over and over again. Iā€™m inspired by the way NWA works with the idea of like-purposed-ness. That a community of people who may have little in common in how they think about things can come together and build something incredible is amazing. I also really like the balanced approach NWA takes to using the tools of today (like the internet) to reclaim the ways of the past.

Penelope Reed (Penny) - Member at Large

Iā€™m totally in love with plants. Some people call me a plant whisperer, and though I am a trained horticulturist, much of my joy for them comes from the conversations I have with them. I love to forage and harvest plants and conjure a variety of herbal remedies. Nature is my muse and inspires my multi-media art practice. I like to weave the healing powers and beauty of plants and crystals into sacred art. Iā€™m constantly taking long walks in the forest and having relationships with trees and critters while dreaming about kitchen or garden projects. As a social service worker, sound healer and yoga instructor, I know how much nature can have an impact on well-being. NWA is a great place to be. I find myself saying over and over again ā€˜itā€™s happeningā€™. I appreciate the stories that are rising out of this place.

Stay in touch

We most happily keep you informed of upcoming events and wisdom that wants to be shared.