Folk Wisdom... Folk Arts... and words that want to be shared

Welcome to our Ninth Wave Arts Blog

Yearning for a little mystery, a connection to nature, something to wonder about? Ā 

Settle in, grab a cup of tea, read on and let the wondering begin.Ā 

We're sharing stories, happenings, divinations, poetry and more.

We aren't in a hurry, sometimes the greatest treasuresĀ are the little things that happen in between the moments.

Boutique: Featured Artist - Christine Lamothe

As a very curious being, Christine dives and experiences deeply a wide array of fields. Christine is a student of life, spending much of her time in nature, meditation, ceremony, contemplation, experiencing the miracles of existence. She also cares for her elderly adoptive mother and learns a...

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Ninth Wave Arts Boutique: Featured Artist - Lori Preshing

Meditation cushions handmade in small batches with love at

I have always collected fabrics, batiks, scarves and textiles from around the world - the colours, patterns and textures capture my attention and soul. The shut down enabled time we don’t normally have - time...

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Ninth Wave Arts Boutique: Featured Artist - Lisa Kopil

I never thought I was a “creative” person until after I turned 40 years old. It was after attending a Reiki class in Wakefield Quebec with my sister that I became aware of crystals and gemstones and the strength and awareness I experienced wearing my first quartz crystal (that I found...

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Ninth Wave Arts Boutique: Featured Artist - Aidan Bliss Morton

Aidan Bliss compassionately supports people on their journey to heal themselves and come into alignment with their own authentic power. Through her healing work, she intuitively and gently facilitates people in moving through life’s challenges. She draws deeply on her empathic, psychic and...

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Ninth Wave Arts Boutique: Featured Artist - Alexander Davis of Noble Mouse Leatherworks

Alexander Davis is a self taught leatherworker who specializes in Celtic and Norse art styles. Based in the beautiful Lanark Highlands of Ontario, he has always been a storyteller and artist, and now strives to create the living stories of history carved into leather. By using traditional leather...

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Ninth Wave Arts Boutique: Featured Artist - Melanie Paquette

Mel makes magic.

Specifically the kind of magic that you can wear every day, and that serves as a reminder to step back from the daily nonsense and bullshit, and remember that you are amazing, this too shall pass, and things will be fine. Magical even. Mel’s jewelry is magical. It can...

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Stay in touch

We most happily keep you informed of upcoming events and wisdom that wants to be shared.