WonderingsĀ on folk wisdom & folk arts
Welcome to our Ninth Wave Arts Blog
Ā EnjoyĀ stories, happenings, divinations, poetry and more.
Fire cider is a traditional folk remedy that...
My grandmother tells the story of being the...
I see very few apple pies made like this...
When we reach this time of year when the days...
by Ali M.
I grew up with my mother, making her...
by A. Moldowan
We are in the season of...
by T.C.
At this time of year when rhubarb...
by J.A.
My Grandmother Jozefa would relish...
by Sue Gerber
I took an impromptu poll of my...
When this recipe was given to children and...
By Katie Culhane
Bread making has been passed...
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