Folk Wisdom... Folk Arts... and words that want to be shared

Welcome to our Ninth Wave Arts Blog

Yearning for a little mystery, a connection to nature, something to wonder about? Ā 

Settle in, grab a cup of tea, read on and let the wondering begin.Ā 

We're sharing stories, happenings, divinations, poetry and more.

We aren't in a hurry, sometimes the greatest treasuresĀ are the little things that happen in between the moments.

Words From the Dragon: Draco

Summer solstice is here, and my constellation Draco, which means dragon, is very visible now. 

Alpha Draconis, also called Thuban, one of the stars in the Draco constellation, used to be the pole star. It was the star that the Egyptian pyramids and other sacred sites from ancient times were...

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Words From the Dragon: Sticking Together

I watched you humans through this past moon cycle and noticed many times that you were collecting images and bringing them together in what you call a ‘collage’. 

From where I stand, I see one of these collections being added to regularly, gathering more images upon a wall,...

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Words From the Dragon: Eclipse Magic

A big event happened not long ago. The sun was devoured. It’s a thing. 

Apparently it’s a thing for you humans too. You’re still talking about it. 

When you gather here to sing and tell stories and craft stuff and move and chant and light candles and play instruments,...

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Words From the Dragon: Community

Over the last month I’ve heard drums and gongs. I’ve smelled dried herbs and flowers. I’ve seen magic things being made. I’ve watched humans stretch, yawn and relax. I’ve also enjoyed familiar songs and listened to conversations contemplating all manner of subjects.

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Words From the Dragon: The Dance

What is it about this time of year that gets you humans so riled up?

I notice you all talking about the weather trying to have a say in how it goes. Some of you are asking Snow to stay strong and more of you are telling Snow to go away.

Snow has its own idea, cause it has a wider view than...

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Words From the Dragon: Treasures

As I’ve been watching groups of humans gather here in this space, I notice that some of them do this thing called sharing cup. They have a vessel of water in the centre of their circle, and each human holds a cup.

These cups seem special, in that I’ve heard it said they are made of...

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