Folk Wisdom... Folk Arts... and words that want to be shared

Welcome to our Ninth Wave Arts Blog

Yearning for a little mystery, a connection to nature, something to wonder about? Ā 

Settle in, grab a cup of tea, read on and let the wondering begin.Ā 

We're sharing stories, happenings, divinations, poetry and more.

We aren't in a hurry, sometimes the greatest treasuresĀ are the little things that happen in between the moments.

My Grandmother's Recipe: Sallyā€™s Custard Apple Pie Crumble

I see very few apple pies made like this anymore. It’s a shame because this is my favourite way by far. This comes compliments of grannie Sally.

1 - 10 inch deep dish apple pie shell (unbaked)
8 apples
2 Tbsp packed brown sugar
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon


1 cup milk
1 cup whip cream
1/4 cup...

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My Grandmother's Recipe: ā€˜Old Time Egg Pancakeā€™

When we reach this time of year when the days are starting to give way to the evenings more quickly, the slightly cooler nights invite back warmer choices of food. It’s not yet time for full fall fare, but dishes with oven time seem reasonable again. This is the time of year my grammama...

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My Grandmother's Recipe: Grandmaā€™s Cast Iron Corn Bread

by Ali M.

I grew up with my mother, making her mother’s, who was making her mother’s, cornbread. It probably went back further than that, and now it’s me who is making it! 

It’s a simple affair. And that is its beauty. In the days of cast iron pans, it always went,...

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My Grandmother's Recipe: Grandmother Anneā€™s Honey Cake

by A. Moldowan

We are in the season of honey cake, and my grandmother Anne would always honour summer solstice with the preparation of good honey cake. It was easy and yummy and ‘of the season’. She would always serve it with an extra drizzle of honey or heavy cream on top. If...

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My Grandmother's Recipe: Dandelion Honey

by J.A.

My Grandmother Jozefa would relish the time of year when the dandelions began to arrive in great numbers.

Dandelions meant dandelion honey could be made and used as a drizzle to pour on ice cream or dessert, or a syrup for pancakes, or turned into dandelion juice by diluting the...

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My Grandmother's Recipes: Margueriteā€™s Screamly Supreme Applesauce Cake

by Sue Gerber

I took an impromptu poll of my family, and no one seems to remember any details about where this recipe originates from, including me. My mom could be a little withholding about such things. I can imagine it was her mother’s before that, my grandmother's...

What I can say with...

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