Words from the Dragon: A Spirited Life

words from the dragon Dec 15, 2023
redwood carved dragon

From all the places I've lived, I’ve been listening and noticing …

You humans used to live in nature. Now you live in cities. You used to talk to each other face to face. Now you tap on screens. You used to be aware of and connected to our world and its beauty. Now you’re mired heads-down in your 9-to-5 lives, busy, tired, stressed and anxious from all that disconnection: from the world and from each other.

In a culture driven by money, power, or simply completing your endless to-do lists, aren’t you longing for inspiration and connection? How many of you are even aware of your yearning? How many generations before you simply forget to yearn? 

No one wishes they’d spent more time at the office. “Should’ve spent more time at the office,” said no one ever on their death bed.

No one reminisces about that fridge they bought or that new phone. What will you remember? Those unique moments that piqued your curiosity and brought you joy? Seeing that forest full of fireflies? Noticing the beauty of the snow twinkling in starlight? That wildly meaningful conversation you had around a glowing campfire? The single cup of tea brewed from flowers and leaves? The tears that were supported by another?

If you’re longing for connection, come check out this space. Since I've been here, I’ve been watching, and I think these folks may be on to something.

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