Celebrating Community: Evelina Proeva

celebrating community Dec 15, 2023
Among the spiral beech trees

Volunteer Spotlight

If you’ve registered for a program, needed help at the boutique, or had an email exchange with us, you’ve likely encountered Evelina. She’s our everything lady! She’s been a board member of Ninth Wave Arts from the very beginning and is always ready to help with any project on the go. During events, she is often the first to arrive and the last to leave. She is as likely to be working on bookkeeping as she is to be honouring our stone cairns with offerings. She slips between the scenes of everything; there is very little in Ninth Wave Arts that hasn’t had some hand of support from Evelina. Her combination of skills from linguistics to clinical herbals, teaching to editing, crystals to wisdom studies is greatly appreciated! We celebrate you Evelina. Thank you for all you do!

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Hear the whispers of your Soul. Remember the stories of the land. Move with the cycle of the seasons & the cosmos. Find yourself in community, in what is & what yet has to come...

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